Week 7 & 8
Well, I was sick for week 7 but I'm pretty sure that for both week 7 and 8 we didn't have any homework! WOOO, PARTY! We did however learn about video lighting and a bunch of "This will be on your exam hints", which I jotted down. Things such as : HMI - Hydragyrum medium-arc length Iodide. These lights are the same temperature as sun light. We also learnt about Incadescent lamps and their different types - Tungsten, Halogen, Quartz (500w - 2000w) We also learned an interesting technique to turn day to night. Simply use a blue filter and perhaps decrease the exposure. There are also two very important terms to remember : Fresnels (soft light) and Ellipsoidal Spots (Spot lights).And remember to always follow source! a light isnt coming from the left hand side of a room when there is a window on the right!
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