Hey hey, this is my 'online journal' for the happeneings of Digital Video Foundations. Throughout the semester I'll be posting random musings from each lecture and giving y'all the low down on whats been happening with the tutes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Week 7 & 8

Well, I was sick for week 7 but I'm pretty sure that for both week 7 and 8 we didn't have any homework! WOOO, PARTY! We did however learn about video lighting and a bunch of "This will be on your exam hints", which I jotted down. Things such as : HMI - Hydragyrum medium-arc length Iodide. These lights are the same temperature as sun light. We also learnt about Incadescent lamps and their different types - Tungsten, Halogen, Quartz (500w - 2000w) We also learned an interesting technique to turn day to night. Simply use a blue filter and perhaps decrease the exposure. There are also two very important terms to remember : Fresnels (soft light) and Ellipsoidal Spots (Spot lights).And remember to always follow source! a light isnt coming from the left hand side of a room when there is a window on the right!


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