Hey hey, this is my 'online journal' for the happeneings of Digital Video Foundations. Throughout the semester I'll be posting random musings from each lecture and giving y'all the low down on whats been happening with the tutes. Enjoy!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Week Four: Into the Abyss......

This week we looked at the introduction to the dark art of screen writing. We covered pretty much everything you need to know to write a script, from character development to the "Sid Fields Screenplay Formula", which is basically the format of every successful screenplay ever. We also learnt that each page of your screenplay should equal 1 minute of film.
Here's a crash course: In Act 1 you should answer 3 basic questions.
1: Who is the film about?
2: Where is the film taking place? and
3: What is going to happen.
This should take up about 30mins of screentime. After this comes plot point 1. This is a hook in the action that spins it around and gives it direction. Now that the characters have purpose, they'll spend the rest of Act 2 doing it.
Act 2
Basically, act 2 should go for around 60 mins, and during this time you should be throwing absolutely everything you possibly can at your characters. Let them struggle as much as possible toward their goal. Then SMACK in the middle of act 2 should come the mid point plot. This mid point plot can sometimes be split up by "pinches".
Plot point 2 is at the end of Act 2 and is always the worst possible scenario. The characters are all like "YES, I'm actually going to do this!!!" and then wham, their smacked in the face with plot point 2.
Act 3
The Resolution! what more can I say? Though the actual resolution usually happens within the first 5mins of Act 3.


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